Articles Posted in Obstetrician Negligence

Most recently, I have heard from mothers who have tragically lost a full-term baby for inexplicable reasons. In one particular case, the mother called me to talk about why her full-term child died in utero. She said that all of her prenatal care was uneventful. In fact, just 3 days before her due date, her doctor and staff did a final checkup on both her and her unborn child. Both were well.

This mother was 38 years old and had been trying for a full-term delivery with her husband for 7 years. She had been pregnant only once before but miscarried early in that pregnancy. Other than her somewhat advanced years, she had no known risks.

Yet when this mother called her doctor to say that the baby was not active, now just 2 days before her due date, the doctor discounted the alarm and told the mother that maybe she was in the early stages of labor. Instead, the mother’s blood pressure had actually become dangerously elevated,  which put the baby at risk.

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